Tuesday, January 27, 2009

living space

Once I really look at my living space its hard to take just one picture that defines everything. I decided to take it of my room. The bottom right shows the corner of my bed with my laptop open and on. My laptop is pretty much always on and open to various websites that I frequently check. My dresser drawers are open. It shows my indecisiveness when it comes to choosing what to wear, or indecisiveness in general. I left them open so my cat could play in them. On the left side is a painting my good friend Kat did for me for christmas. Its essential for me to have my walls covered, or I feel like my space is too sterile. There are colors popping everywhere. All five art pieces on the right are my own work spanning from highschool to just last year. The top of my dresser is covered in memories, things I hold onto. My room is also very cluttered. I am comfortable with this. There is a plaid bear my best friend gave to me years ago...an 8x10 photo of my nephew who I adore... a 4x6 image of my girlfriend... candles... a painted cork board with miscellaneous things stuck on it.
Thats the word that describes everything really. The reason why I am so cluttered and hold on to simple little objects that others would let go of. These are memories I want to hold onto.

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