Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Image Visualization

This was an interesting exercise. Think of a picture you can see in your head. I have several old envelopes of pictures from Girl Scout Camp. My dad randomly finds rolls of film or old throw away cameras. This picture sticks out in my head. I am a totally different person from when it was taken.

Im really interested in the pictures I took or had people take during these years. You can definately tell the time era by looking deeper into the picture. Tye dyed bandanas, tacky pants, etc.

I think I was really affected by my friend Jessica sitting to my right. We have the same type of shoes, short shorts, and our hair in the same style. I think I was very impressionable in middle school around 7th and 8th grade. I may of been thirteen in this picture. I went to Girl Scout camp every summer from first grade up until early years of highschool.


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